On behalf of our good friends at Bareis+Nicolaus, we developed the new website for Sterntag Film, a video production agency based in Hamburg and Berlin.
Publication with two sophisticated referencing systems that respond to the fact that it is half exhibition catalog and half theory book.
Due to the different contents that consist of essays, interviews, biographies, picture series, and exhibition views, the book is based on five different grid systems that provide each type of content with its specific and tailor-made layout.
In contrast to other scientific publications, comments and footnotes are not placed below the texts but are woven right into them, creating a unique and visually perceptible rhythm. Sources and further notes that are linked to the particular paragraphs are labeled with distinctive reference numbers and are listed at the end of each text.
To break up long passages of text, the publication is divided into several sections using image sequences from various artworks. To identify them and to make it easier to navigate through the image chapters, captions and a two-way arrow system are introduced.